Who we are

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Greetings , we are the Baron's anime club from Barton Secondary in Canada. We decided to make the endevor to try and create a web comic. This ill concieved idea was brought up by the founder of the anime club Tom and random person Corey. They were just bored one day and started making things up which eventually led to the quote "hey, that would make a cool comic" and here we are with our comic posted on the net. This is thanks to such artists from the club as Mark, Megan and Donovan as well as the background artists. These guys deserve alot of credit since Tom can't even draw stick figures well and corey is just plain lazy.

This is not our first venture at creating a comic, oh no, this in fact is our second attempt. The first attempt was for an actual comic book instead of a webcomic, though this idea fell through after some time due to conflicting scheduals. So we decided to do something quick and short, a comic strip, that we could publish on the net. Though for those of you who are curious to our first venture, the first comic was basically a martial arts romantic comedy. We entitled it Spirit Quest: Test of the Seven Gods, sounds nifty eh?

Here is the cover for our first attempt at a Comic
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Please excuse the shabby colouring job done on the comic since it was the very first attempt Tom made at colouring something on his computer, but it isn't too bad is it?

Oh yeah, by the way, Nightmare is a trademark of NAMCO since he was a character from their very nifty game Soul Calibur. And Spirit Quest: Test of the 7 Gods is copyrighted to the Baron's Anime Club as are all the characters.