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Well, okay, I have finally gotten around to re-vamping this site. It may not be very pretty, but its the best i could do so deal with it :p. But anyways it is now the new year, time for change, time for a brand new start to life! Its also time to start working on the project that is worth 15% of my grade and is due within a few days.

There really is no beef that i wish to go on and on and on and on about, well, okay, there's just one. Here up in Canada, in Ontario we have a certain little thing known as the double cohort. This nifty little term is the result of the implementation of a new school system while the old one is still in session. This new school system has eliminated the OAC Classes (Grade 13) so that Ontario's high schools go from grades 9-12 like everywhere else. Unfortunately for me, being the last class that will receive the OAC classes, that means that I shall be graduating with the class behind me. Thus doubling the wave of new students into colleges and universities. Now, this is not only bad for me, the poor implementation of this plan has also hurt the grade behind me. In short, they have become stupid. The logical thing to do would be to implement this plan starting with children just starting education, but instead they said "hey, lets do it quicker and give it to kids who have already received the old education and make them learn all this new stuff!". And lo, they began this new system in grade 7 thus creating a mass of slobbering idiots (no offense intended...well okay, just a little bit).

This problem could have easily been avoided if the government decided to wait. Their impatience has seriously hurt an entire generation of children who now have given up on education because of the radical change in teaching styles and methods. All this new curriculum has left alot of the students behind and the very few that do take it well are usually not doing as well as they should be. Thus lowering the marks of each student in their classes leading them to believe that they lack the intelligence that they actually do have. Well, okay, enough of that, my mind is spent. Until next time, keep on clucking. -Tom

What's the deal with little 12 year old punk diva kids who have cell phones…I mean ok yea if they have some sort of family emergency or if they worked (but kids are lazy free loaders so lets rule that last one out) but I mean most of my brothers friends (13 year olds mind you) have cell phones…WHAT THE F&^K… who are they calling

"Uh yea mom, lay out my jammies for me, for when I get home…No, not those. The ones with the little duckies on them..yea ok bye"

(that will probably be in a future comic)

Oh and another thing…what's with kid who think they're tough…like they're some sorta rapper guy or something ok first thing:


And secondly:

GET A FUC*IN life….your 12 years old half the people you mouth off can drive and run you down, if they don't beat the sh!t outta you first. You know why there are so many rappers, CAUSE THEY DON'T NEED TALLENT!!… all they need it to know how to rhyme (so basically have a brain of a 8 year old, though some rappers don't even have THAT) and just add the words "tits, ass, mother f**ker, yo, ho, bic#, cock

You know what rap reminds me of…Pirate songs with all those damn "yo ho ho" crap the only difference is that pirates didn't grab their crotch cause they would have cut their nuts off with that hook of theirs. Other then that they are the same: the jewelry, the gold teeth, the fact that they are both dirty and washed up!!!!!!!

Hmmm what else pisses me off?

Uh, yeah, what corey said.