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Meh Dont Ask

by Barton Anime Club

First comic Previous comic


Monday , November 18 , 2002

As a little amendment to yesterdays update, you can send me your feedback and commentary to my new e-mail address, macrossucanon@hotmail.com since my old account was shut down. I've fixed the contact button so it should link directly to my hotmail addy. -Tom "Tenchiken" Sunthorn

Guess who's back in business! Well, its just me this time, but its time to bring this place back to life. This new comic series, well, if you can call it that, was spawned from my very bored head one day and it just grew from there. Over the years I am quite sure that you people have at one time or another played on a MUD, or for the uninitiated a Multi-User Dimension. These were fun and allowed great role playability but there were also the little comical issues that happened to pop up every now and then. This seemed like the perfect thing to do something with, and with my complete and total lack of artistic talent, it dawned upon me to do this in real MUD style. Its bold, its new, its completely amazing! At least it was to me, I hope you enjoy the misadventures of Bob Brown the Human Paladin of Gibrelle.

Also, as a side note, I would really like to hear what you think of this idea and any suggestions on how to make it better, if you have ideas of directions this could head, send those in too cause I'm hopelessly lost! Oh well, until next time - Tom "Tenchiken" Sunthorn


Meh Dont Ask is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. The Poultry MUDmaster was taken from the ZuggSoft ZMud program, which is copyrighted to the Zuggsoft corporation. This was used due to the lack of effort on the web artists part so please do not take legal actions, pretty please with sugar on top?